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Teen Squad

Teen Squad Programs:
Data Navigators 2.0Rhode Coders 2.0My City, My PlaceCulinary Arts

Teen Squad IMLS Grant Overview

In 2016, PPL received a three-year IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services) National Leadership Grant to provide more than 600 teens free, accessible, high-quality competency-based learning opportunities, leading to digital credentials, academic credit, exposure to the world of work, and entry into education and career pathways. PPL’s Teen Squad was created as a result of our work on this grant.

Teen Squad is the umbrella term for all of PPL’s teen workforce development initiatives. Our Teen Squad programs are driven by youth interests while focusing on work readiness and 21st-century skills development. Through diverse community partnerships, PPL offers interactive and engaging competency-based programming that builds relationships, expands minds, and connects teens to workforce development opportunities.

One of the IMLS grant goals was to create a shared, scalable and replicable framework that harnesses library collections and resources, community partners, and mentoring that is driven by student interest and aligned to education and workforce development standards with measurable outcomes. These goals are realized through our IMLS Teen Grant Outcomes Dashboard and our IMLS Teen Squad Resource Database.

The Library has completed a three-year IMLS-funded grant to create and share a framework for delivering youth workforce readiness initiatives. Hear from program developers and participants.

IMLS Teen Squad Grant Outcomes Dashboard

One of the major goals of our IMLS National Leadership Grant was to build a data-driven case of the Library’s critical role in education and workforce development for teens. We collected data on how many youth our programs served overall and how many youth made presentations that highlight 21st Century Skills (Communication, Critical Thinking, Engagement in Learning, Perseverance, and Teamwork), completed self assessments, created web portfolios to showcase their work (LinkedIn, OpenBadge Academy, ForAllRubrics, Thimble, etc.), earned academic credit, digital badges, or industry certifications, participated in paid opportunities, and gained work exposure. The dashboard below shows our grant targets versus our numbers achieved.