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Did you know...more than 80 % of PPL's funding comes from generous donors like YOU?! PPL needs you.

Early Childhood
Inspire learners

You can inspire learners, connect communities, and transform lives.

You can champion curiosity, exploration, and lifelong learning.

Teens learn at PPL

You can support the economic advancement of all Rhode Islanders.

With YOUR help, PPL is an epicenter for creativity, growth, and achievement in Rhode Island.


PPL Alum

PPL welcomes individuals from all walks of life and each has a unique story to tell — stories that illustrate the positive impact our library makes in the lives of those we serve. Stories that YOU make possible!
Meet some of our PPL Alum.

Ogalis Hernandez
I remember when I decided to register my kids in an English class in the Dominican Republic. Speaking the language would open up so many doors for them, as athletes and professionals. Also, it is better learning as a child. I wish I had that opportunity during my school years. Bilingual schools in my country ...
William Rebello
I am a certified IT Project Manager and attended PPL’s Rhode Coders Java Training sessions so I could better understand coding as a way to improve my project management success when leading software projects.  The teacher (Don) was/is outstanding and takes the time to be sure everyone has a clear fundamental understanding of the topic.  ...
Aaron Castillo
In working on my project I wasn’t sure just where to go. PPL seemed like the logical place to start — I had never been in an archive before or done this kind of research. The people at PPL really took me under their wing and helped me figure out how I was going to ...