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Did you know...more than 80 % of PPL's funding comes from generous donors like YOU?! PPL needs you.

Early Childhood
Inspire learners

You can inspire learners, connect communities, and transform lives.

You can champion curiosity, exploration, and lifelong learning.

Teens learn at PPL

You can support the economic advancement of all Rhode Islanders.

With YOUR help, PPL is an epicenter for creativity, growth, and achievement in Rhode Island.


PPL Alum

PPL welcomes individuals from all walks of life and each has a unique story to tell — stories that illustrate the positive impact our library makes in the lives of those we serve. Stories that YOU make possible!
Meet some of our PPL Alum.

Fareed Al Haddad
I am from Syria and have a Diploma in Statistics from Damascus University and a Certificate in Administrative Management from the Institute of International Research.  I’ve attended both English, and Citizenship RIFLI classes at William Hall Library in Cranston.  I heard about the class from my sister and her husband who were already attending when ...
My story with PPL goes back a few years. I was in middle school and looking for ACN courses to take…when I saw the HTML course at PPL, I decided to go for it. Then I took courses in JavaScript and Python. I came back and I did a Data Analytics course, and a computer ...
Raman Shah
I moved from Chicago to Providence in 2018; simultaneously, I quit my full-time data science career to launch my independent consulting practice. Starting out in Rhode Island was tough. The local network was difficult to break into as a transplant, and trips to Boston were almost inescapable for learning modern technologies and getting inspiration from ...